Critical Fail Roll Tables

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Melee Attack Fails

Roll Result Description
1 Slippery Slope You lose your footing and fall prone, sliding 5 feet in a random direction. If an obstacle is in the way, you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
2 Equipment Jam Your weapon gets stuck or tangled, requiring an additional action to free it before it can be used again.
3 Friendly Fire You accidentally hit an ally within melee range. If no allies are within range, you hit yourself, dealing half the weapon’s damage to yourself.
4 Off Balance You overextend yourself and become flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
5 Disarmed You lose your grip and drop your weapon. It lands in an adjacent square of the GM’s choice.
6 Pulled Muscle You strain a muscle. You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Strength-based skill checks for 1d4 rounds.
7 Weapon Malfunction If your weapon is magical, it temporarily loses its magic properties for 1 minute. If not, it gains the broken condition until repaired.
8 Heavy Swing Your weapon becomes awkward to handle. You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls with this weapon for 1d4 rounds.
9 Stumbling Strike You stumble forward 5 feet and become flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
10 Vision Impaired Blood or sweat gets in your eyes, giving you a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Perception checks for 1d4 rounds.
11 Memory Lapse You forget a critical technique. You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.
12 Shock You experience a moment of shock. You are stunned 1.
13 Auditory Distraction A loud noise disorients you. You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls for 1d4 rounds.
14 Blinded by Sweat Sweat stings your eyes, causing you to be blinded until the start of your next turn.
15 Clumsy Fumble You drop your weapon, and it falls 10 feet away in a random direction. You must retrieve it, which takes 1 action.
16 Nausea You feel nauseous. You are sickened 1 for 1d4 rounds.
17 Brief Paralysis Your muscles seize up briefly. You are paralyzed for 1 round.
18 Invisible Obstacle You swing into an invisible obstacle and are stunned for 1 round, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
19 Awkward Position You end up in an awkward position. You are flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
20 Overzealous Swing Your exaggerated swing throws you off balance. You end up in a random square adjacent to your starting position and are flat-footed until the start of your next turn.

Magic Attack Fails

Roll Result Description
1 Spell Backfire The spell's energy rebounds on you. You take half the damage or effect you intended for the target.
2 Mana Burn You suffer 1d6 points of damage as the magical energy burns you internally.
3 Arcane Feedback You are stunned for 1 round as the feedback from the spell overwhelms your senses.
4 Spell Mishap The spell fizzles out and fails to cast. You lose the spell slot.
5 Wild Magic Surge A surge of wild magic occurs. Roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (if available) or apply a random magical effect.
6 Magical Exhaustion You become fatigued for 1d4 rounds as the spell drains your energy.
7 Spell Disruption Your spell is disrupted, and you lose your concentration. Any ongoing spells you are maintaining immediately end.
8 Reversed Polarity The spell has the opposite effect of what was intended. Beneficial spells become harmful and vice versa.
9 Magical Recoil You are pushed back 10 feet and fall prone as the spell's energy recoils.
10 Spell Reflection The spell is reflected back at you. You must save against your own spell's effect.
11 Aura Disruption Your magical aura is disrupted. You cannot cast any spells for 1d4 rounds.
12 Elemental Overload You take 1d6 damage of a random elemental type (fire, cold, lightning, acid, etc.) as the spell overloads with energy.
13 Arcane Whiplash You take 1d6 psychic damage and are confused for 1 round.
14 Spell Displacement The spell is displaced and affects a random creature or object within range.
15 Temporal Distortion You lose your next action as the spell distorts time around you.
16 Dimensional Rift A small rift opens, pulling you 10 feet in a random direction. If an obstacle is in the way, you take 1d6 force damage.
17 Magical Nullification All magical effects within 20 feet of you are temporarily nullified for 1d4 rounds.
18 Mana Drain You lose an additional spell slot of the same level as the one you attempted to cast.
19 Chaotic Discharge The spell discharges chaotically, causing 1d6 damage to all creatures within 10 feet.
20 Arcane Explosion Your spell explodes in your hands, dealing 1d6 damage to you and anyone within 5 feet.

Unarmed Humaniod Attack Fails

Roll (1d20) Result Description
1 Trip and fall prone You become flat-footed until the start of your next turn.
2 Accidental self-strike You deal half of the damage you would have dealt to the target to yourself.
3 Overextend You pull a muscle, becoming clumsy 1 for 1 minute.
4 Lose balance You move 5 feet in a random direction and provoke attacks of opportunity if applicable.
5 Hit ally You hit an ally adjacent to the target, dealing half damage.
6 Stumble You give the target a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against your next attack.
7 Wrist strain You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls with this hand for 1 minute.
8 Lose grip You drop any items held in that hand.
9 Distracted You grant the target a +1 circumstance bonus to their next attack roll against you.
10 Misjudge distance You move 5 feet away from the target and provoke attacks of opportunity if applicable.
11 Lose focus You take a -2 penalty to your next attack roll.
12 Trip over feet You fall prone.
13 Twist awkwardly You become fatigued until you rest for 10 minutes.
14 Taunt target You unintentionally taunt the target, giving them a +1 circumstance bonus to their next attack roll against you.
15 Off-balance You become flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
16 Scrape knuckles You take 1d4 damage.
17 Lose sight You grant the target concealment until the start of your next turn.
18 Overexerted You gain the fatigued condition.
19 Hit object You take 1d6 damage.
20 Slip and fall prone You become flat-footed until the start of your next turn.

Unarmed Beast Attack Fails

Roll Result Description
1Twisted ClawThe beast's attack backfires, twisting its own claw. The beast takes 1d6 damage.
2SlippedThe beast loses its footing and falls prone.
3Self-BiteThe beast accidentally bites its own tongue, taking 1d4 damage and becoming stunned 1.
4OverextendedThe beast overreaches and is flat-footed until the start of its next turn.
5HeadbuttThe beast's head strikes a hard surface, causing it to become dazed for 1 round.
6Tail TangleThe beast's tail gets tangled, causing it to become immobilized until it uses an action to untangle.
7Wing WrenchThe beast's wing attack fails, straining a muscle and reducing its fly speed by half for 1 minute.
8TrippedThe beast's attack causes it to stumble and fall prone.
9Claw ClashThe beast's claws get stuck in a nearby object or the ground, and it must use an action to free them.
10BackfireThe beast's attack backfires, dealing 1d4 damage to itself.
11Stinger SlipThe beast's stinger misses and injects itself, causing 1d6 poison damage over 2 rounds.
12Wing FlipThe beast's wing flips awkwardly, making it clumsy 1 for 1 round.
13Beak BlunderThe beast's beak attack misses and it bites its own beak, taking 1d4 damage.
14Missed LeapThe beast leaps and misses its target, landing prone and becoming stunned 1.
15Tail SlamThe beast's tail attack hits the ground hard, causing it to become stunned 1.
16SprainThe beast sprains a limb during the attack, reducing its movement speed by 10 feet for 1 minute.
17Vision BlurThe attack causes the beast's vision to blur, giving it a -2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round.
18Snout StrikeThe beast's snout strikes a solid object, causing it to be stunned 1.
19Missed SwipeThe beast's swipe misses so wildly that it becomes flat-footed until the start of its next turn.
20DisorientedThe beast becomes disoriented by its own attack, taking a -2 penalty on all attacks for 1 round.

Reflex Save Fail

Roll Result Description
1 Falling Prone You lose your balance and fall prone, leaving yourself vulnerable.
2 Partial Evasion You manage to avoid the worst of the effect, but suffer half damage or a lesser effect.
3 Environmental Hazard You inadvertently trigger a secondary hazard nearby (such as falling debris or a burst of flame).
4 Item Breaks Something you're carrying (like a potion or fragile item) breaks or spills due to the sudden movement.
5 Position Compromised Your movement during the save puts you in a less advantageous position, granting enemies an opportunity or advantage.
6 Distracted You are momentarily distracted by the reflex action, giving enemies a brief opening to attack.
7 Terrain Disadvantage Your movement during the save causes you to stumble or step into a hazardous area, taking minor environmental damage (e.g., stepping on hot coals or into shallow water).
8 Weapon Disarm You fumble with your weapon or item, dropping it at your feet.
9 Limited Movement Your movement is restricted or your next action is delayed as you recover from the reflexive action.
10 Exposed Weakness Your sudden movement reveals a weakness or vulnerable spot, granting enemies a brief advantage in combat.
11 Temporary Blindness The effect briefly dazzles you, imposing a penalty on your next Perception or attack roll.
12 Elemental Exposure You are briefly exposed to elemental damage (fire, electricity, etc.) due to the reflex action.
13 Armor Strain Your armor shifts uncomfortably or becomes temporarily less effective, imposing a penalty on your AC until you adjust it.
14 Stamina Drain The reflexive action leaves you winded or fatigued, imposing a penalty on your next skill check or save.
15 Panic Reaction You react impulsively, accidentally provoking nearby enemies into targeting you.
16 Temporary Debuff The reflex action temporarily reduces one of your attributes (e.g., Strength, Dexterity) until the end of your next turn.
17 Skill Disruption Your focus on the reflex action disrupts your concentration, imposing a penalty on your next skill check.
18 Magic Interference The reflex action interferes with any ongoing magical effects you have, causing them to fizzle or become temporarily unstable.
19 Allies Affected Your reflex action inadvertently affects nearby allies, imposing a minor penalty or inconvenience on them.
20 Prone and Vulnerable You stumble and fall prone, leaving yourself open to attacks until you can recover on your next turn.

Fortitude Save Fail

Roll Result Description
1 Stunned You are stunned 1 until the end of your next turn.
2 Sickened You are sickened 1 until the end of your next turn.
3 Exhausted You gain the fatigued condition.
4 Slowed Your movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.
5 Confused You are confused, acting randomly for 1 round.
6 Paralyzed You are paralyzed until the end of your next turn.
7 Staggered You are staggered until the end of your next turn.
8 Drained You gain the enfeebled 1 condition until the end of your next turn.
9 Blinded You are blinded until the end of your next turn.
10 Deafened You are deafened until the end of your next turn.
11 Flat-Footed You are flat-footed until the end of your next turn.
12 Hampered Your movement is hampered until the end of your next turn.
13 Impaired Vision You have impaired vision until the end of your next turn, imposing a penalty on Perception checks and ranged attacks.
14 Shaken You are shaken until the end of your next turn.
15 Sluggish You move at half speed until the end of your next turn.
16 Vulnerable You are vulnerable to the triggering damage type until the end of your next turn.
17 Weakened Your Strength score is reduced by 2 until the end of your next turn.
18 Winded You can't take reactions until the end of your next turn.
19 Wounded You gain the wounded 1 condition until you receive healing.
20 Unconscious You fall unconscious for 1 round.

Will Save Fail

Roll Result Description
1 Confusion You become confused, acting randomly for 1 round.
2 Compulsion You are compelled to take a specific action, potentially against your interests.
3 Emotional Overload You are overwhelmed by a surge of emotion, imposing a penalty on your actions.
4 Memory Loss You forget a piece of crucial information or lose track of recent events.
5 Paranoia You become paranoid, distrusting your allies and making communication difficult.
6 Domination You fall under the sway of a hostile creature's suggestions for 1 round.
7 Fearful Trembling You are shaken, making you more vulnerable to fear effects.
8 Truthfulness You are compelled to speak the truth, even when it's against your interests.
9 Delusion You believe something false for 1 round, affecting your decisions and actions.
10 Overwhelming Thoughts You are overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts, imposing a penalty on your concentration.
11 Psychic Feedback You take psychic damage as your mind rebels against the assault.
12 Resistance Break Your mental defenses weaken, imposing a penalty on your Will saves until the end of your next turn.
13 Confidence Shatter You lose confidence in yourself, imposing a penalty on your next skill check.
14 Identity Crisis You briefly lose track of who you are, causing confusion and disorientation.
15 Overwhelming Despair You are overcome with despair, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
16 Spell Rebound The effect rebounds on you, affecting you as if you were the original target.
17 Psychic Drain You suffer psychic damage and are drained of energy, imposing a penalty on your next action.
18 Mind Wipe You lose a specific memory or piece of knowledge permanently.
19 Unsettling Thoughts You are haunted by unsettling thoughts, imposing a penalty on your next Will save.
20 Spell Feedback The magical energy backfires, causing you to take damage or suffer a negative effect.