Instructions: Whenever a critical failure occurs on a magic attack, roll 1d20 and consult the table below for the result. Adapt effects as necessary for the specific situation.
Roll | Result | Description |
1 | Spell Backfire | The spell's energy rebounds on you. You take half the damage or effect you intended for the target. |
2 | Mana Burn | You suffer 1d6 points of damage as the magical energy burns you internally. |
3 | Arcane Feedback | You are stunned for 1 round as the feedback from the spell overwhelms your senses. |
4 | Spell Mishap | The spell fizzles out and fails to cast. You lose the spell slot. |
5 | Wild Magic Surge | A surge of wild magic occurs. Roll on the Wild Magic Surge table (if available) or apply a random magical effect. |
6 | Magical Exhaustion | You become fatigued for 1d4 rounds as the spell drains your energy. |
7 | Spell Disruption | Your spell is disrupted, and you lose your concentration. Any ongoing spells you are maintaining immediately end. |
8 | Reversed Polarity | The spell has the opposite effect of what was intended. Beneficial spells become harmful and vice versa. |
9 | Magical Recoil | You are pushed back 10 feet and fall prone as the spell's energy recoils. |
10 | Spell Reflection | The spell is reflected back at you. You must save against your own spell's effect. |
11 | Aura Disruption | Your magical aura is disrupted. You cannot cast any spells for 1d4 rounds. |
12 | Elemental Overload | You take 1d6 damage of a random elemental type (fire, cold, lightning, acid, etc.) as the spell overloads with energy. |
13 | Arcane Whiplash | You take 1d6 psychic damage and are confused for 1 round. |
14 | Spell Displacement | The spell is displaced and affects a random creature or object within range. |
15 | Temporal Distortion | You lose your next action as the spell distorts time around you. |
16 | Dimensional Rift | A small rift opens, pulling you 10 feet in a random direction. If an obstacle is in the way, you take 1d6 force damage. |
17 | Magical Nullification | All magical effects within 20 feet of you are temporarily nullified for 1d4 rounds. |
18 | Mana Drain | You lose an additional spell slot of the same level as the one you attempted to cast. |
19 | Chaotic Discharge | The spell discharges chaotically, causing 1d6 damage to all creatures within 10 feet. |
20 | Arcane Explosion | Your spell explodes in your hands, dealing 1d6 damage to you and anyone within 5 feet. |